Can Stress Cause Jaw Pain or Tightness?
Can Stress Cause Jaw Pain or Tightness?
Blog Article
Stress affects the body in several different ways, and one of the most common-but often overlooked - symptoms is definitely jaw pain or tightness. If you frequently wake up and find that your jaw hurts, or it ends up getting sore during the course of the day, this most likely means stress. Understanding stress and jaw pain can go a long way in finding those solutions.
How Stress Causes Jaw Pain
✔ Teeth Grinding (Bruxism) - Stress creates an unconscious grinding or clenching of teeth during sleep. This creates too much pressure on the jaw muscles and can lead to pain, stiffness, and even headaches.
✔ Tighten Jaw Muscles - In a stressed-out situation, a person normally experiences some kind of tension in the muscles, including those in the jaw. Over a period, this continuous tautness may lead to soreness and discomfort.
✔ TMJ Disorders (Temporomandibular Joint Disorder) - Aside from that, stress plays a role in aggravating TMJ disorders which manifest pain, clicking sounds when the mouth is opened, and difficulties in chewing.
✔ Bad Posture Due to Stress - Stress leads to bad postures such as slumping over the desk or bending downwards with the eyes focused on the phone for a long time. This puts a huge strain on the neck and jaw, inflicting tightness and pain.
✔ Altered Breathing Patterns - Stress causes shallow breathing due to which muscle tension occurs which can affect the jaw muscle and neck.
How to Relieve Jaw Pain Caused by Stress
Stress-Relief Techniques - Things such as meditation, deep breathing, and yoga help in creating an effect that relieves stress and loosens the tight muscles.
Use A Mouthguard: For grinding teeth at night, a custom-fitted mouthguard will be beneficial in protecting the teeth as well as reducing the strain exerted on the jaw.
Apply Warm or Cold Compress - Warm compress would relieve tension in the muscles in the jaw, while cold pack will lessen any inflammation and pain.
Massage the Jaw Muscles - Gentle massage to jaw and facial muscles will relieve tension while at the same time giving a boost to blood circulation.
Good Posture - Good Posture Sitting upright with the head in alignment with the spine will prevent any unnecessary strain on the jaw in the process.
Visit a Dentist - A qualified dentist should be able to ascertain stressful conditions affecting the jaw in any situation and recommend appropriate treatments where necessary.
If you are feeling discomfort from constant tightness or pain in your jaws, visiting a dentist would be the best way out of this problem. Smile Again Dental Clinic would be there for expert care on all jaw-related issues. If you are looking for the Best Dentist Mumbai, rest assured that our team would help you personalize solutions and improve your oral health within no time.